Do You Truly Love Yourself? How Important Is It?

   Most of the time when we are discussing love, we are talking about giving it or receiving it from others. We talk about love interests, friendships and the overall acceptance by others . But, today the focus is YOU. 


I have been on my own journey of self-discovery and ending the negative self-talk I deal with daily. I realized that I was lacking love and compassion for myself. I did an exercise of writing down ALL my negative thoughts and I noticed I wasn't balancing the negative with positive affirmations, positive energy. I had to make a commitment to fill my self-lovemeter tank. 

So, What is Self-Love?

 I'm convinced that if people focused on truly, wholeheartedly loving themselves, hate wouldn't exist.

Hate=Pain     Meanness=Hurt

Hate, nastiness, jealousy, anger towards others is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Your actions are the illustration of YOU, your core. 

"Make Peace with the Mirror and Watch Your Reflection Change"

Let's start with a simply question, do you truly love yourself? 

Loving yourself is acknowledging your flaws and empowering your strengths. When you love yourself, YOU choose positive experiences, positive people, and attract positive energy. 

Loving yourself is being less concerned with pleasing others and staying true to your calling; your uniqueness.

Loving yourself inside and out means checking that inner dialogue and conversation your having with YOU. If you respect yourself, guard your heart from people who want & can tear you down even YOU. 

Truly loving yourself is not being self-absorbed, selfish or narcissistic. We practice self-love so we can push through struggle, heartache, our friends and families limiting thoughts, our negative environments or dysfunctional home life. Encouraging yourself keeps you ready for any storm, any test!

Why is Loving Yourself Important?

  • You will feel better!

  • It brings more inner joy and peace.

  • You are accepting the "REAL" you!

  • You overcome anxiety and stressors in your life!

  • You start repelling negative energy and propelling positive energy!

  • You will honor your temple MORE! Self-care is another way to practice self-love and renew your mind, body and soulHere are some ways to Pamper Yourself For $20 or Less. 

  • Your kids are healthier and more confident. The ability to love is taught to our kids starting at birth. We must teach self worth, but also display it!

  • You exude confidence which will reflect love!

  • You will smile MORE! Check Why Your Smile is Your Best Asset.

  • When you love and accept "YOU", God will reveal your purpose and you will start walking in your calling. Once you tap into . . . . .Why Your Here ? Doors will start opening. Better relationships, Positions of Power, Love, Wealth, Community Activism. 

    • Remember that the enemy will be in the shadows waiting for the right time to attack. Walk with God and Praise him even in the storm. He is the reason for YOUR calling. Our ultimate purpose is to spread his love and change the world we live in. 


"You Need to Love Yourself. Love Yourself so Much to the Point that Your Energy and Aura Rejects Anyone Who Doesn't Know YOUR WORTH!"

Bill Chapata



Do You Take Time to Practice Self-Love? If so, How do you practice self-love?

If there was a way to make self-love and self-care a routine, would you be interested?

Leave Your Comments Below!!!



Thank you for supporting me and reading! 

God Bless!


Pamper Yourself on $20 or Less

Pamper Yourself on $20 or Less

Pampering yourself is needed when you are juggling work, school, a family, community organizations, pets, carpool group and football practice. You! Yes, You need to invest in your happiness and relaxation. Whether you want to pamper your body, mind, or heart, read this and plan your next ME DAY! 

It's Your National Holiday!

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