We all try to live our life with no regrets, but sometimes hindsight is 20/20. Sometimes, it's harder to see one step ahead when making BIG decisions. Most of us need the lesson in order to see the big picture!
If I could do it all over again, I would party harder, attend more lectures and special events, be more involved on campus and go on more adventures! Why do we rush to be adults? To be grown? I was rushing to pay bills, to only have 10 sick days a year and to be exhausted to even enjoy most weekends.
I learned that my college days were priceless and numbered. I'm not saying life ends after college and between the ages of 22-25 years old, but your priorities shift. "YOU" isn't top on the list anymore. Growing up means gaining responsibilities and fighting large battles. When I think about the historial events that have occurred in my life other than my kids, they all took place on Howard University and Florida A&M University's campuses! Who would have known that when I saw Maya Angelou speak, she would pass away a couple years later or that in September 2007 I was listening to the Future 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama.
My No. 1 Piece of Advice:
You are entering into a NEW SEASON in your life! You may be going to college or entering into a new career or joining the military. This is the perfect time to JUMP INTO WHAT SCARES YOU!
Here are some examples of the career paths you can choose. You may have decided to join the army or start your own business. Whatever you decide, you will be tested and challenged. Be present and Kill FEAR! Pictures from Pexels.com and @famu_1887 on IG.
Dive into Your Fear and Out of Your Comfort Zone!
Are you saying to yourself, how do I kill fear and make sure I'm present in my own life?
Here is how you create an environment where you will succeed!
1. Take Positive and Personal Growth Provoking opportunities presented to you! Some opportunities never come back around. Cease the moment!
2. If it doesn't ADD to your life, REMOVE IT! (Jobs, Friendships, Organizations etc.)
3. Spend Time with "YOU"! This is the time in your life for self-discovery. Get to know who you are, what's important to you and what your strengths and weaknesses are.
4. JUMP! Take Action and Decide to make your dreams come true.
P.S. Sometimes you have to create your own opportunities.
I can't end this without my favorite scripture and what keeps me going.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path." -Proverbs 3:5-6
I will be starting a NEW series next week on landing your dream job and conquering those interviews! Stay Tuned In for updates and new blog posts!
Are you unsure of your next move or what is the best decision for you? Check out: Are You Stuck in a RUT? 6 Ways to Fight your Funk!
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