Pamper Yourself on $20 or Less

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first so you have something to give”!

Now that I'm a mother and on a tight budget, its hard to get "ME" time. Hell, using the bathroom by myself is considered quality time to me. I have become very creative when it comes to spoiling myself.

Here is my list of ways to pamper yourself under $20. 


  1. TAKE A NAP! Napping is so necessary and can prevent you from burning out. The secret to becoming more productive is not managing your time; it’s managing your energy. Sleeping gives your body a chance to restore itself and heal!

  2. Spend an Entire Day in your Pajamas on the Couch. Grab that onesie and remote!

  3. Give yourself a facial. 

  4. Unplug Completely and Chill. (No phone, no computer, no TV)

  5. Take a Stayaction. Luckily I llve in a vacation getaway location! My staycations have been to Daytona Beach, Siesta Key and Clearwater Beach, FL.

  6. Make a List of 10 Things you Love about Yourself. (Mine coming soon!)

  7. Give yourself a Mani and Pedi.

  8. Do something Crafty, Artistic!

  9. Make a Vision Board

  10. Light Some Candles and Take a Hot Bath. (I add a couple drops of Lavender essential oils for the calming affect and aroma.)

  11. Listen to your Favorite Playlist or create one. Join the Family Today and Get My Motivation Playlist!

  12. Netflix Night! Enjoy Sitcoms like Fuller House, Different World or Orange is the New Black. Watch movies like HOME or Batman Returns.

  13. Make a DIY Face Scrub. (Sharing SOON!)

  14. Take Yourself to Lunch. The older I get, the more I like being by myself. Eating a meal and taking yourself to the movies can be so enjoyable!

  15. Watch a Makeup and Hair Youtube Tutorial and actually try it! It's fun to recreate some of the looks and step outside of your comfort zone when it comes to beauty&fashion.

  16. Bake Something YUMMY! (I always have brownie mix on deck! You never know lol)

  17. Go for a Walk.

  18. Buy yourself some Flowers. Orchids are my favorite!

  19. Read a Good Book, Old or New. (Currently Reading: Birthing Your Dreams: God's Plan For Living Victoriously By Paula White)

  20. Take a day off work for no reason at all. Be smart about it and plan ahead!

  21. Sit in Nature. Be one with nature! It's nice to take a moment and smell the roses. Go sit by a lake under an old Oak Tree. 

22.Watch the Sunset. I absolutely love sunsets & clouds! The burnt oranges, pinkish hues! The different colors sweeping across the sky are magical! 

23. Put on some Red Lipstick and Exercise. Exercising alone strengthens your muscles and bones, improves brainpower, strengthens your immune system, improves your mood and sleeping patterns and increases relaxation. A red lip always exudes confidence and sometimes when your working out, you need all the motivation you can get! Exercising with red lipstick sends you the message of #islay. I can finish this workout! I will be bikini-ready! I am beautiful and sexy! 

24. Spray Something that Smells Amazing. Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue, One of my favorite scents!

25. MINI Shopping spree! Buy yourself one new article of clothing. Apart of pampering yourself and  body is wrapping it up in comfortable, lovely clothes. If your budget is tight, spend some time simply trying on your fanciest outfits that you haven’t worn in awhile and model those pieces in the mirror. You can also give back. Go through your clothes and pick out some to sell and/or giveaway so that you can go on a shopping spree in the future.

26. Wine, Please! Whether your hanging out with your friends or watching a good movie on Lifetime Movie Network, a glass of wine goes with any occasion. Oh and wine has health benefits too!

27. Start a Blog! It's a great way to express yourself and connect with like-minded people. Writing is also therapeutic. Writing down your story, goals, advice can help others and heal you!

28. Clean Your Environment or Revamp Your Place. By rearranging your furniture or switching out some of your dated decor, you can breath new life into your space. What are the benefits of that? Your creative space will stimulate personal growth, content or ideas. When you enjoy and/or like your space your more relaxed. 

29. Watch your Favorite Childhood Movie. My movie would probably be Parent Trap or Pretty Woman.

30. Take a Walk Along the Beach. It is definitely relaxing to feel the sand between your toes and the salty-light breeze across your face. 


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What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?

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