Are You Stuck In A Rut? 6 Ways to Fight Your Funk!
/InspireUtoday was created out of a RUT.
I was feeling stuck, depleted, lost and not recognizing the person I had become. After working in corporate America for almost 4 years and then becoming a mom 2x of boys, I was having an identity crisis. I was no longer the hot, single, independent professional with the YOLO attitude. I didn't know what I was good at anymore. Who was I other than Eli and Jeremiah's mom? What is my purpose? I've been doing a lot of soul searching which has (uncomfortably) pushed me to change my life! Here are 6 ways I'm ending my FUNK and How You Can too.
1. PRAY YOUR WAY OUT! God truly does hear your heart and knows what your battling against. Use him as your sounding board and have pillow talk with GOD. Sometimes it may feel like he's not listening or that you haven't received your answer (well, the one YOU wanted). God does't need a stage or audience to be GOD. But, God does use us walking testimonies and as a magnet of HOPE!
The toughest answer to receive from GOD is "Wait". When God tells you "NOT NOW" trust and know he is in control and can certainly handle your situation. Sometimes you get an answer you didn't want like yesterday for me! What do you do when GOD tugs on you to give $70 for the building fund? Well, I definitely challenged him. ( I'm growing people!!) I'm like, "God you know I have bills due . . ." I DID IT ANYWAY! Giving that offering was a stretch and God was tapping me and whispering to my spirit. Has anyone else tried to turn GOD off? He doesn't like that too much.
We need to allow God to be GOD. Pray!
Leave depression, fear, doubt, worry, pain, rejection right there, on the alter.
Let God restore you!
2. GIVE YOUR WAY OUT! It's hard to focus on your own STUFF when your giving back. Someone always has a worse situation or past than you. When you open your hand, its open to give and also receive. Service is the foundation of who I AM. My mother has taught me that serving and helping others is the MAIN PRINCIPLE OF LIFE.
I recently assisted my mother and her sorority friends make dresses out of pillow cases for young girls in Africa. I was so blessed by the whole experience and not once did I think about my finances or my MESS! I thought about how an African girl is gonna be wearing this dress walking 4 miles to school . She doesn't have a back to school wardrobe, let alone school supplies to learn effectively with. Think about it. Many areas of the world are currently being destroyed by civil wars, militants overturning governments and persecuting innocent people. Make it about someone else and blessing will come your way.
HINT: Serving others can also expose your strengths and what you are destined to do! (Social Work, teaching your hobby through a blog, a mentoring program for single mothers)
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."
-Albert Einstein
"I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint --and the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you" -Oprah Winfrey
3. WORK YOUR BODY OUT! Did you know that less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day? WOW! Only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week. I'm guilty of not working out and stretching enough. I do know that every time I work out I feel stronger, accomplished and powerful! There are so many benefits to exercising not just weight loss and muscle gain. Exercising promotes better sleep, improves your mood, and strengthens your self-esteem/body image. It's incredible how exercising relaxes you and just puts you in a good mood!
Start with a 1-mile walk after work or in the morning before the kids wake up! If you stay with the walking program, you'll see benefits like:
- Improved skin and complexion
- Weight loss and Muscle Gain/Definition
- Strengthened Immune System
- A lower heart rate
- Improved Mood/Outlook
Take Care of your Body! It's The Only Place You Have to Live!
4. SWITCH IT UP! Change is good and sometimes needed. It doesn't have to be something expensive or elaborate. Switching out the pillows, curtains and rug can completely transform your home office! That one change probably will make it more comfortable and welcoming to work. You will be excited to create in that space. When I colored my hair for the first time, it gave me a boost of confidence. I knew I was on #FLEEK! lol Sometimes big changes are needed. When your boss offered you that position out of state, maybe the right answer was YES instead of NO. Change shakes up your norm and throws you out of your comfort zone!
5. GET BUSY! Growing up my mom kept me busy to keep me out of trouble. I do think that worked. Being busy kept me on track and going towards my goal of college and success. When your busy, you don't have time to feel bad for yourself. Ok, STOP WHAT YOUR DOING! Get a pen&paper and write down your hopes and dreams. It will only take 5-10 mins, TOPS! If your stuck in a rut and becoming a REGISTERED NURSE is on the list, maybe it's time to go back to school. Pursue a hobby! Play on a community sports league! Get another job! Start reading books or teaching yourself to sew! Travel! Learn a Language!
Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying! -Stephen King
6. MAKE A CHOICE! You have to make a choice whether you are comfortable in your rut, unhappy at work, tired of your same routine! Take a leap of Faith! Check out this video of Steve Harvey talking about jumping into your passion and conquering fear!
A guest discusses what it will take for her to make a new career move. I love Steve Harvey's message and Its perfect for the InspireUtoday Family! YouTube channel: Find out where to watch in your city here: Get more Steve Harvey!
Prayer Changes Things!
When your hand is open, it's easy for you to give and receive !
Exercise and Take Care of Your Temple!
Knowledge is Power!
You've Got to Jump and Get Moving!