Social Media Etiquette 101

Social media has completely changed how we communicate with one another, market our services & products and how quickly information & relationships are created all over this beautiful world. Well, I'm definitely a technology baby. I have grown up surrounded by technology and the one invention that changed everything, THE WORLDWIDE WEB! I had a cell phone in middle school and a Facebook account since 2006! Wow, 10+ years ! Even before FB, I had a myspace. New social media networking sites have emerge and here are some stats on the usage. (Global stats)

  • Nearly 1.4 billion Facebook users
  • 500 million tweets per day (Twitter)
  • Instagram has 300 million users
  • 70 million photos and videos are posted daily (Instagram)
  • 53% of internet users aged 18-29 use Instagram
  • 80% of Internet users on Pinterest are female
  • 70 million users are on Pinterest
  • 600 million users on Whatsapp
  • LinkedIn (professional social network) has 347 million registered member


“Think Before You Post”

  1. Be aware of your comments, location tags, and posts on social media platforms. Because social media feels like a safe place to express yourself, we say things you may not feel comfortable saying publicly. There are over 3 billion active Internet users across this beautiful world. This equals 45% of the world’s population. If 3 billion people are on the worldwide web, how many use social media sites? I’m glad you asked lol. Nearly 2.1 billion people have social media accounts. WOW!

The problem is you can’t get more public than the worldwide web! 

Social Media Etiquette 101

TIP #1: Make sure your hash tags, reposts, comments, and photos aren’t offensive and unprofessional. Once you post something, that’s it! Nowadays even if you did delete something, it has already been shared a thousand times or the infamous screenshots! My favorite!

Show your audience you have self worth!

Tip #2: Part of self worth to me is making sure my post and comments are spell checked, the message I'm communicating is clear and read out loud! That is the only way to guarantee mistakes are corrected!

2. Think before tagging. Most people want to put their best foot forward online. That rarely includes club photos, those candids up your nose or shots of them sleep in the car. If you’ve got a shot of someone you want to upload, and you’re not trying to embarrass them, reach out to see if they mind you tagging them. 

Treat others the way you want to be treated!

3. DO NOT expose your dirty laundry! Don’t hold personal conversations on your TIMELINE or NEW FEED. Use the message options to have a conversation or exchange contact information. Establish your audience and know the boundaries. Discussing your breakup or complaining about your job or gossiping about a friend is inappropriate on social media. Again, it's like documenting bad behavior! Just call the person directly or discuss the issue face-to-face!

If your fighting with your boyfriend, don't give a play by play of the ARGUMENT! "and He Said. . . .". KEEp It PRIVate and Off Social Media!

If your fighting with your boyfriend, don't give a play by play of the ARGUMENT! "and He Said. . . .". KEEp It PRIVate and Off Social Media!


4. If someone doesn’t accept your friend request or unfollows you, don’t jump to conclusions and think there’s a huge feud or problem. Sometimes someone missed your request or just doesn’t sign on as often. I have been reading that sometimes its a good thing. It shows that you are narrowing down your target audience or need to clarify who is your audience! 

Don’t take it personal!

Rule of Thumb: Social Media Sites should be 80% Personal and 20% Business! People buy or follow people they like. Share your interest, hobbies, family and friends!

5. What is your message and how are you delivering it? Are constantly complaining in Facebook statuses? Discrete (Outright) bragging about your accomplishments? Do ask endless rhetorical questions about TABOO topics on Twitter? Social media is not a place to vent or offend. No one expects you to be happy all the time, but don't be the NEGATIVE NANCY either. Keep it real and try to keep it balanced.

Consider your tone & attitude online!

Social Media Etiquette 101 TIP #2: Make sure your hash tags, reposts, comments, and photos aren’t offensive and unprofessional.

Social Media Etiquette 101 TIP #2: Make sure your hash tags, reposts, comments, and photos aren’t offensive and unprofessional.

Tip #3: Sometimes sarcasm and dry humor is misunderstood in person. Keep in mind that tone is hard to navigate through a computer screen. If you’re being sarcastic and people can’t tell, it might be time to be more direct.

I have provided some questions to ask yourself while your thinking before posting! These questions will ensure that you are communicating effectively and maximizing social media.

  1. Does my content offer value? Does it help others?
  2. Is my content offensive? If so, why? Who does it offend and does it matter?
  3. How many times have I posted today? (4+ is too much in my opinion)
  4. Did I proofread this?
  5. Am I ok with everyone seeing this?
  6. Is this really something I want to share, or am I venting?

Most importantly, social media will effect your relationship with employers present and future. According to a Harris Poll done for CareerBuilder 52% of employers use social networking sites to research candidates. That number has increased from the 43% in 2014 and 39% in 2013. This survey polled nearly 2,200 hiring and human resource managers which shows me that this number will continue to increase! Well, what are recruiters looking for on my Facebook Page or Twitter Feed?

60% are looking for information that supports their qualifications for the job

56% want to see if the candidate has a professional image/persona online

37% want to see what other people are posting about you, the candidate

21% admit HONESTLY that they are looking for reasons NOT TO HIRE YOU!

Then add your a female and/or a minority! 

Make sure your online persona &

social media self matches your REAL self!

Social Media Persona


Tip #4: The key is sharing quality content and showing yourself friendly! Show characteristics of a leader: creative, excellent communication skills, great personality, relatable to others and a professional social media persona. 

Can you describe your Social Media Persona in 3 WORDS?







Statistics found in this blog post: