We all have applied for a job and/or internship posting online. We pray to GOD that we receive an email similar this one below.
"Hello, Christina!
I found your resume on Indeed.com and I'm intrigued by your background. QuickSilver Marketing is seeking an experienced social media strategist/content writer interested in the fashion and beauty industry.
Please click the link below and schedule a time that you will be free for a 30 minute phone discussion." (Just for Example)
According to InterviewSuccessFomula.com, the average number of people who apply for any given job is 118 applicants. Only 23% of those applicants get an interview.
The managers and/or recruiters are using phone interviews to filter out the candidates quickly and to see if it’s even worth calling you in for a face-to-face interview. The purpose of this post is to equip you with the skills to guarantee an invitation for an in-person interview with the company, school or experience that you desire. Some candidates blow their chances of their dream opportunity by not being prepared for this interview.
You just have two assets:
1. YOU
2. Your preparation
Here are the best ways to master your next phone interview:
1. Be enthusiastic. Show your personality and uniqueness over the phone. I know it's hard, but when you are authentic and real, YOU HAVE NO COMPETITION!
2. Be prepared. Have your resume, company information and job posting on hand. Being informed not only builds your own self esteem, but also shows the candidates sincere interest in the company/organization. Have a pen and paper available for notes and other information that may be provided.
3. Ask specific questions. These questions are more preliminary and not as in-depth as the formal interviews.
a. What are the expectations and challenges of the position I'm applying for?
b. What is your company's culture?
c. Does this particular job require travel?
TIP: WHEN YOU LOOK THE PART, FEEL THE PART, YOU CLAIM THAT PART! Even if your doing the phone interview from home, put your suit on or do your makeup. When you feel like you look good, you exude confidence.
4. Match your communication style to the interviewers. Try to match the interviewers energy. If the interviewer isn't bubbly and sarcastic, you may not want to crack jokes! The key is being able to effectively communicate your skill set and why you are the best fit for that particular position.
5. Never interrupt the person interviewing you! I suggest waiting 2 to 5 seconds before responding. This pause will also give you a chance to rethink the questions being asked and respond intelligently.
6. Avoid Negative words (Never, Can’t, Weakness etc.). You are more than a conqueror. You can handle and survive anything thrown your way. I felt like you needed that reminder!
7. Know the job description and responsibilities. Make sure you know about the job your applying for and how that position relates to the business as a whole. Once you know the organizational structure, a snapshot of their financials and the background of the company, you can effectively pinpoint issues, problems and the corporate culture. (Making you a Stand-Out Candidate). This step is what takes you from an A to an A+!
8. Smile when you speak. This will translate in the tone of your voice.
9. Be on time for the scheduled interview and make sure you’re in a quiet area. (Ear buds and headphones may help with clarity while on the call)
10. DON’T HANG UP without getting directions on the next step and contact information for the follow-up.
Please and Thank You are the Magic Words! Barney taught me that! lol
11. FOLLOW-UP!!!! This step sets you apart. Say Thank You, in writing! Sending a formal thank you letter or an email is very effective. Do you need an example of a thank you letter? Email me at connect@inspireUtoday.com.
I wish you the best on your next call.
Be sure to leave a comment before your interview and after landing the job!
This is just the beginning, Family. I will be elaborating on some of the suggestions above and continuing
the series on interviewing. Again, the MAIN GOAL is to land your DREAM career.